Hmm I watch [adult swim]...
It's a good game-- Played it on the adult swim website a long time ago-- but you die way too easy in either version. So if you submit a game please submit HRmageddon OK?
Hmm I watch [adult swim]...
It's a good game-- Played it on the adult swim website a long time ago-- but you die way too easy in either version. So if you submit a game please submit HRmageddon OK?
Well good time waster...
I shouldn't say it has good gamplay, all you do is click and watch. Graphics were good,simple-- but good. Hard to gain cash for new robots though. Good range of weapons and chassis' for a small game. I did control my robot and let me tell you: it is hard! Good but could've been better.
I can't beleive I lasted till the end of the black hole thing!"Go douchy go!"
"Yes thta's a fair amount of-- the planet that must not be named!"
wpnFire is the most...
brilliant shooter ever! I lasted 57 seconds on nade mode. I got to stage 39 on the zombie survival. And I just couldn't get past level 9 on adventure! This is a challenging game my friend. Not for the unskilled either. As long as your good at those things you'll do fine. Good 10/10, 5/5 this game hasn't got the best graphics.
Has awsome wpns and best choice of modes. So that still deserves a 9.99.
Hahaha enjoyable, I sat there for at hours at one!
The thing is I can see where you got your ideas for some. Like #98 looks like a tunneling worm if you put in in a figure 8, and 53 looks like a space battle if you wiggle it around ya know? It's a great idea if they WERE put on windows! My compaq needs a new cursor frame. They might put these on cpu's at one time.
Good idea trying to boost their popularity. I really like #49 heh =D
I got 145.6
I got a foolproof strategy. Get the Bueno and shave the corners shorter than a
midgets penis. If you can do that you can handle the black car and beat Bunta's time. That's what I did. Heh heh heh I is a genius.
Toooo.... fast......
Were you on marijuana when you made this?! I-I can't describe how fast that went and UFOs?! WTF good faaaaaaaaast gaaaaaaaaaaame. Meh gonna get my shrooms.
Did you know that educative TV actually dumbs kids
This might actually help with alotta kids you know? Instead of Flarnie and the telli-blubies. That stuff makes kids stupider actually. This will probably be put on some kids site too! Good work for kids kids kids kids kids kids... kids...
Alrighty then.
Depression has taken over... The only time I will leave my house is to go to work or get essential stuff (groceries, TP, soap, etc.) I do nothing in my spare time but draw and practice my guitarist skills. I had to sell my 2 other Fender Strats...
Age 38, Male
Southern Ohio
Joined on 11/4/06